Ugly Betty may have just ended, but America Ferrera is on to new beginnings: Yesterday, the actress confirmed her engagement to longtime beau, director Ryan Piers Williams. 美剧《丑女贝蒂》虽然已经完结,但主演亚美莉卡·费雷拉的人生又有了新的开始。昨天这位女演员确认与相恋已久的导演男友订婚!
The evidence before the Panel, which was not disputed and which [ ArcelorMittal and Mr Han] confirmed, was of serious engagement between the two parties to explore various avenues to obtain or consolidate control of the company, the Takeovers Panel found. 收购委员会发现:委员会目前所掌握的证据并无受争议,且已获当事人(阿塞洛-米塔尔与韩敬远)确认,显示当事人具有旨在探索不同方法,取得或巩固该公司的控制权的认真合作关系。
The researching result indicates that Theory is more scientific and religious than Traditional Risk-Based Auditing and other audit theories, and confirmed by a auditing engagement at the paper. 研究表明,现代风险比以往的审计理论更严谨、也更有科学性,并通过案例进行了印证。